Marketing in a Difficult Climate

Marketing in a difficult climate

Marketing in a Difficult Climate is pretty much how we find ourselves in this worldwide pandemic of Covid 19, but it may not be just that, maybe you are finding it difficult to get the message out there and you are great at your work but put off by the terms, marketing, social media or … Read more

Twitter DM’s – The Chances are You’re Doing Them Wrong!

Twitter DM

How many of these examples of direct messages ring true in your Twitter inbox? “Hi, thanks for the follow, check out my blog here ………….!” “I hate auto DM’s, but not as much as we love interacting with new followers! Check this out ……………” “Hello, thanks for connecting. I look forward to tweeting with you! … Read more

Why Your Business Needs Social Media

Introduction to Social Media A few years ago, social media was unheard of. Today, however, it is one of the easiest and fastest ways to stay connected. Almost one third of the world’s population has at least one social media account; which is why so many businesses are utilising it today as one of the … Read more


social media engagement

Social Media Engagement Engagement in social media has two meanings, the first is to be engaging in your content, that your content is interesting, purposeful and useful. Creative in its delivery. The second is two get engagement from social media, or comments, to create an opportunity for someone to engage with you and your content. … Read more

Social Media Tactics

Social Media Tactics Following on from yesterday’s blog on the top 5 social media questions we wanted to focus on hypothetical tactics. Without knowing your business or where your customers are, it is very difficult to suggest a definite plan of attack. Firstly, you will need to establish a goal, this might be to create relationships, … Read more

Top 5 Social Media Questions

The Top 5 Social Media Questions Companies want Answered So what are the top 5 social media questions that companies want answered. According to the social media examiner report 2015 the answers are: TACTICS ENGAGEMENT MEASUREMENT AUDIENCE TOOLS What social media tactics are most effective? As a rookie, you may be beating your head against … Read more


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