Large Print Signs
In signage for smaller installations you will see two materials tending to be used. The first is called correx between 3.5-4mm thick and is what we call estate agent’s boards. The second is foam board and 5mm (also in 3mm and 10mm) and is a PVC foam centred board and is a lot more forgiving than correx. What you haven’t noticed, probably, is that we can supply it in a 3m x 1.5m size and that will be a mighty job for a courier to deliver, but it can be done, and having that flexibility is important. Because guaranteed you will want a slightly bigger size than the 2.4m x 1.2m size that is normal. Ideally for these materials you would want some kind of support structure behind, as they are both fairly weak over such a large size. The correx will be the choice for very short term applications and the foam board or Forrex for longer applications. As an idea of price for the correx from artwork supplied we would be charging £115 plus VAT delivered (mainland UK) and for the foam board £135.
Another benefit of our service, from artwork approval we would be looking at max three to five working days for delivery. (outside holiday periods).
We have seen people using these materials as a quick way to decorate an exhibition stand or reception area, just bring in the new design and voila. All change. We have seen some massive files supplied for these types of boards, remember the viewing distance at which the board will be seen. Resolution needs to be much less because you are seeing the boards at such a great distance or height.
The question is, what is the biggest size board you have had?